Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reduced hours for package room.

The Flatbush Gardens Package Room has established new hours. I'm a little late on the news that was effective April 18th, but I don't check my mail very often, or do laundry, or get packages.

"Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds" . . . . . . but economic downturn can apparently do it.

1. You need ID.
2. All packages you must sign for are held at the Nostrand and Ave I station.

So when you get your certified renewal leases, even though the brown sheet says it's in the package room, it's not. (Though I did hear that they hand deliver eviction notices. Evictions are apparently more important than renewals).

Anyway, new hours:
Wed. 12pm to 5pm
Sat. 8am to 12pm