Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Anyone have a story idea for Mr. N?

My name is Richard N----. I am a reporter for and journalism grad student at Columbia University. I will be covering the neighborhood of Flatbush for the next few months--writing stories about the news, people, events, and goings-on in the area.
I found your blog as I was doing some research on the neighborhood. As a blogger in the area, I was wondering if you had any general viewpoints or concerns that might lead me to any good story ideas. Is there anyone you'd recommend I talk to?
I'd love to meet you in person if you have any free time coming up. We could grab a quick cup of coffee or something. Perhaps you could tell my what I need to know about the neighborhood, from a resident's perspective. I promise I'm not a creep or anything, just a journalist from California who is a long way from home. I really want to do my job right.
Thanks for reading. I hope to meet you soon.


Flatbush NYC said...

Posted from an email I received:

Hello Richard. If you've lived in Flatbush for any length of time and have truly explored it, you'll have discovered that Flatbush is not a neighborhood. Within Flatbush are many different 'neighborhoods', each one a little different in character, home structure and population. If you truly want to write about Flatbush neighborhoods, I suggest you contact the presidents of the various neighborhood associations to get input.


Ilona said...

Flatbush is like a melting pot, you actually have to go out into the different neighborhoods and experience it..