Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rent Increase Alert! Rent Decrease Alert!

So, as mentioned earlier, the increased rental numbers are back up on the website (

However, I have a rent decrease alert for . . . EVERYWHERE ELSE! (duh, right?)

I was looking around craigslist, and quality units are available in the most desirable places for 1600-1800. Ok, yes, $500-$700 is A LOT of money, but come on. There has to be at least a few people who think prime rib at $1700 is better than lipstick on a pig for $1100. Thus, I am hoping that this pressures FBG in reverting back to the old scale, or somewhere in between. Heck, maybe I'll move to the fancy borough and someone else can ramble here about their gussied up pig of an apartment.

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