Monday, July 21, 2008

Safety, as a single female.

A short interview of my ex-roommate.

me: if someone asked you your detailed opinion about how safe you feel at Flatbush Gardens, what would you write?
Ex-Roommate: i feel safe inside the complex, walking home from the subway at night i get nervous but it is more of a personal thing rather than by what i see as it feels safe each time i have walked from the subway if i had to pass by the basketball courts or another block or two i am sure that would change - a lot.
me: why?
Ex-roommate: why? the basketball court has gangs that hang around there, so that obviously makes it a bit more unsafe and regardless of how nice everyone is overall some people are still going to resent a little white girl living in their area - i am sure there are some that don't want the changes that are slowly happening's always a risk.
me: there aren't gangs that hang out there.
Ex-roommate: uh, yea, there are.

Note by me: Other than this one car that was painted up with the name of a gang, etc... I've not seen any evidence at all of any gang members, gang activities, gang hangouts, or gangs in general. Are they there? eh, probably, but I've not seen it.

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