Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have no idea.

(Part 16) I was wrong, they still aren't very organized.
I called 5 times Wed. morning. All answering machine. I didn't leave a message because the last message I left took over 24 hours to get a response.
On the 5th time I tried Nora's extension and Amy picked up.
I think this is pretty standard. The phone number will always go to voicemail and Nora's extension (100) will always go to Amy, the girl who sits at the desk.

Amy gave me the voicemail of the person I was supposed to call early in the morning. I left a message. At 12, Clay called me; he is not the person I was supposed to call. Anyway, he was tasked with calling me, i.e., he was allegedly up to speed, but thought my roommate had already picked a place (she hadn't), and that I was unwilling to live on the first floor (she has a preference for a higher floor, I don't care). Anyway, after I corrected his perception of things, he said he'd call back.

He did actually call back. This will allow them to retain half of a responsiveness point. The rest have been lost forever. Anyway, he said I cannot come today, but I should come at 6pm tomorrow. I asked if I could come any earlier and he said it won't be necessary. If these units are not there tomorrow, I'm done. I will move back to Florida before I live here if they have nothing again.

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